For years I struggled with depression, anxiety which would turn into panic attacks. This started after the birth of my second child and went on for many years. I met a wonderful lady Jodie who taught me about affirmations.
By saying positive affirmations, you can disrupt the negative thought patterns that are feeding the anxiety.
Step 1 - print out and laminate the affirmations
Step 2 - say the affirmations every day try for twice a day.
Step 3 - say the affirmations in front of a mirror (this is a hard one) It did take some time to be able to do it but I did it.
I (insert your name) can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (This is. My all time favourite one)
I (insert your name) am capable of solving any problems that face me
I (insert your name) am riding MY mind of negative thoughts
I (insert your name) am filling MY mind with positive thoughts
I (insert your name) AM safe and in control
I (insert your name) will not let anxiety take control of my mind
I (insert your name) have the ability to overcome anxiety and fear
I (insert your name) am CALM
I (insert your name) have a CALM body
I (insert your name) will not allow panic to set it
I (insert your name) am FREE from stress
I (insert your name) love MYSELF
I (insert your name) breathing slowly and deeply, filling myself with calmness
I (insert your name) am slowing my mind
I (insert your name) deserve a peaceful and loving life
I (insert your name) let go of defensiveness and choose to fill my world with joy and kindness instead.
I (insert your name) am thankful and grateful for the good in my life.
Calmness washes over me with every deep breath I take.
When I am doing my affirmations or when I am starting to feel anxious…
Step 1 place one or two drops of the oil in my left hand.
Step 2 put right hand over left hand and run the oil in a clockwise motion
Step 3 Place your ring finger and middle finger starting with the right hand.
Step 4 with your left hand block your left nostril. Breath in through the right nostril and
Out through the left.
Step 5 Switch hands and breath in through the left nostril and out with the right.
Step 6 repeat this 5 times.
After doing thisI feel extremely calm and relaxed. Some days are tougher than others and I will have to do this a few time during the day.