Why “YOU” need Fully Loaded Cauliflower in your life!

Why “YOU” need Fully Loaded Cauliflower in your life!

Okay Guys I think I have created a master piece. 

My tastebuds are singing right now and my tummy is full. 

You won’t be disappointed in making this one.

Okay so I saw a recipe for fully loaded potatoes casserole and well being low carb/keto, potatoes are definitely not on my approved list of foods. Way too much starch and carbs. When eating potatoes if feel very sluggish and tried. 

Last night I dreamed up how I was going to make this amazing dish low carb. I seem to dream out food a lot. 

I have tried doing cauliflower mash but do find that it is runnier than potatoes. Still yummy just not quite the same. 

I took cauliflower broke it up into small pieces and placed in a small glass baking dish I then drizzled avocado oil over it and sprinkled with some “For the LOVE of Garlic Seasoning” from Do You Bake grab yours here.

Bake in oven at 375 for about 20 minutes mixing as it bakes. 

Cook up some bacon, you can use turkey bacon as well, then cut up into small pieces.

Shred up some old sharp cheddar cheese. 

Once the cauliflower is just about cooked to your likeness take out place half of the shredded cheese on top.

then put your bacon, put a couple of dollops of sour cream and top with the remainder of the cheese. Top with a little chives. 

Place back in the oven and bake for another 10 minutes. 

So for me I only eat twice a day so these are my measurements. 

186 grams of cauliflower small pieces

2 Tbsp of Avocado oil/Olive Oil

50 grams Old Cheddar Cheese

2 Tbsp of Sour Cream

6 Slices of Cooked Bacon

32.4 grams of Protien, 7.7 grams of Net Carbs, 63.9 grams Fat

In order to track my Macros I use Cronometer. You can grab the full version here and save 10% or you can grab the free one here, it just doesn’t have all the features available. 

Once you try this out come back and let me know what you thought of it.

Be sure to check out the rest of our site and check back often.

We will be launching our Low Carb Guide soon.

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Being healthy do not mean you need to give up treats.

Being healthy do not mean you need to give up treats.
Just over a year ago Jayson and I decided to go low carb and give up sugar.  Not going to kid anyone it sure is hard.  We still do enjoy having treats.  

We make a Peanut Butter Chocolate Ball.  Just one for me does the trick.  

1 cup - Natural Peanut Butter (any nut butter will work just unsweetene)
1 package Lily’s chocolate chips
1 1/4 cup toasted unsweetened coconut
8 oz of whipping cream (heavy cream)
1tsp vanilla 

Put nut butter into class bowl with chocolate chips and melt for 30 second at a time.  
Once it is all melted and combined add in the toasted coconut stir well. 
Add in the vanilla and whipping cream and stir.  

I use a small cookie scoop to scoop them out.  Put in the freezer for 30 minutes or 1 hour in the fridge to set.  

Store in an airtight container in either the fridge or freezer.  

Enjoy this is a favourite for us. 

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