Growing up we were always told if you work hard you will succeed. We were both working full time working hard. We saved enough for a down payment for our first home. We were just 23, thrilled that we were now homeowners. I am sure you can imagine the excitement we felt.
Never did we imagine that by purchasing a condo our lives were going to be turned upside down.
Thinking we were being smart we bought a new condo with a homeowners warranty. About 8 months into this we started smelling mold in the living room. Others in our building were noticing the same thing. After some complaining to the property managers there was testing done on the condo and discovered that it was leaking. The roof and walls were mushy and full of mold. We purchased for $125k and slapped with first a $5k bill and then a $32k bill. Oh my gosh we were heartbroken. Overnight our condo dropped in price to $50k. We were still responsible for the mortgage plus now the special assessment.

With being pregnant with our first child we sought out legal advice. Of the three people we spoke to they all advised walking away, we would never recover the money from it. With the New Homeowners warranty going bankrupt leaving us with no protection, to the government who failed to protect us leaving us with no other choice but to walk away.
Just after the birth of our son we declared bankruptcy. Yep that word scared the life out of us. This would stay on our credit for 7 years. Oh those were the longest of years. I didn’t think it would ever end.
The financial troubles all began in 1998 when we signed those papers for bankruptcy. Don’t get me wrong we knew this was going to be rough but, we also thought we would bounce back quickly. After all we both had decent paying jobs.
We spent many years struggling from this point on. Never thinking we would get ahead. Our dreams of traveling seemed so far away. There was just something about traveling that we both longed for.
Talking a leap 7 years ago into a better lifestyle has allowed us the opportunity to travel multiple times a year. We are no longer living pay cheque to pay cheque.
We would love to show you how we have become financially independent and traveling the world.
Love this info? You’ll LOVE my guide to becoming free! CHECK IT OUT HERE

For years I struggled with depression, anxiety which would turn into panic attacks. This started after the birth of my second child and went on for many years. I met a wonderful lady Jodie who taught me about affirmations.
By saying positive affirmations, you can disrupt the negative thought patterns that are feeding the anxiety.
Step 1 - print out and laminate the affirmations
Step 2 - say the affirmations every day try for twice a day.
Step 3 - say the affirmations in front of a mirror (this is a hard one) It did take some time to be able to do it but I did it.
I (insert your name) can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. (This is. My all time favourite one)
I (insert your name) am capable of solving any problems that face me
I (insert your name) am riding MY mind of negative thoughts
I (insert your name) am filling MY mind with positive thoughts
I (insert your name) AM safe and in control
I (insert your name) will not let anxiety take control of my mind
I (insert your name) have the ability to overcome anxiety and fear
I (insert your name) am CALM
I (insert your name) have a CALM body
I (insert your name) will not allow panic to set it
I (insert your name) am FREE from stress
I (insert your name) love MYSELF
I (insert your name) breathing slowly and deeply, filling myself with calmness
I (insert your name) am slowing my mind
I (insert your name) deserve a peaceful and loving life
I (insert your name) let go of defensiveness and choose to fill my world with joy and kindness instead.
I (insert your name) am thankful and grateful for the good in my life.
Calmness washes over me with every deep breath I take.
When I am doing my affirmations or when I am starting to feel anxious…
Step 1 place one or two drops of the oil in my left hand.
Step 2 put right hand over left hand and run the oil in a clockwise motion
Step 3 Place your ring finger and middle finger starting with the right hand.
Step 4 with your left hand block your left nostril. Breath in through the right nostril and
Out through the left.
Step 5 Switch hands and breath in through the left nostril and out with the right.
Step 6 repeat this 5 times.
After doing thisI feel extremely calm and relaxed. Some days are tougher than others and I will have to do this a few time during the day.