A bit about us…..
We met in 1993 and were married in 1995.
Yep, we have been together for what seems like forever.
Soon after having our second child Tina’s job shut down, we went from having two decent incomes down to one. Unable to find another job paying much more than minimum wage, the bills were piling up. Our marriage was on the rocks, having financial troubles will do that. Always a few months behind on the bills.
With what life was throwing at us we struggled with depression which led to being overweight. We tried all sorts of fad diets to get rich quick schemes.
We moved around chasing dreams of a better life only to be disappointed once again.
We took a leap of faith. We sold most of our belongings, loaded our minivan with two kids and a dog, hauling a trailer we set off from British Columbia to Alberta with $2000 in the bank. We didn’t have a home or jobs but we knew there had to be something better. Within a couple of days, we both had landed good jobs. And both making a decent wage.
After a few years of this, we were still dreaming, but not achieving what we wanted. Jayson was working away for weeks at a time. Tina was at a breaking point, not sleeping and stressed out, a friend made a post about changes she was making. At this point we thought, we have nothing to lose and jumped on board.
Eight years later we are living a chemical-free lifestyle with migraines and asthma under control.
By jumping into this adventure and yes we call it an adventure. We are learning how to live a better life and having way more fun. Allowing us to put money aside for retirement but to still travel the world.
We have now entered a new chapter of our lives as empty nesters. We have found a way to reconnect as a husband and wife through travel.
Our dreams are our reality. We spend 6 to 12 weeks a year travelling (traveling) and discovering new places.
We are “living Life” and loving it as the Traveling Empty Nesters.
With Tina being a travel consultant and coach we are now on a mission to help other empty nesters find themselves through travel.
Come join our community of empty-nesters who are discovering who they are now in this next stage of life through travel.
Ready to learn more? Let's get in touch!